What’s Your Number?

If you want to ask someone what’s their number, what’s the best way?

If you Google that question, you get 8,430,000,000 results.

But what does this have to do with marketing?

Quite a bit, actually.

Most businesses need to know how to connect with their customers and clients other than when they are in front of you. When you have this information for prospects you can move them into being a customer or client faster.

Many times this means getting their email address or their physical address as well as their phone number.

In the past, the traditional way to do this was to offer a free report, consumer guide or whitepaper in exchange for their information.

Then you followed up with an email series.

This still works and in some markets works as well as it ever did.

But in others, it’s not working so well anymore.

What other options do you have?

Well, it just so happens you have several other options.

Some of the more recent ones that have been working well are:

  • Live Challenges
  • A Bootcamp
  • A Mini-Class
  • Host a Virtual Summit
  • Pop-up Facebook group.

All of these will get you the contact information of the people who join and when you deliver the goods to them it will lead them closer to becoming a customer or client.

I talked about these in more depth in a recent podcast episode. You can listen here.

The importance of getting someone’s contact information can’t be overstated.

Some businesses are going to be struggling because they don’t have this. As long as their customers keep coming back they’re fine, but with more options than ever before (both online and offline) others are working hard at getting your customers.

Consumers are changing fast and with what’s happened since March of 2020 – they are changing faster.

Are you upping your game, both in getting contact information as well as converting the information you have into customers?

While all of the above actions take some time and effort to set up, they will work just like traditional means of getting information from people.

Make sure you look at how you’re collecting information and what’s happening after you collect it.

If you want to discover what it takes to create steady predictable growth in your company join me for my monthly workshop.

On the second Tuesday of each month, I offer a free workshop that reveals what it takes to create steady predictable growth in your business.

CLICK HERE to sign up for our email list to make sure you’re notified when enrollment opens!

Have a great day!

P.S. For an in-depth look at a complete Facebook marketing system sign up for my FREE Masterclass on Facebook marketing: Go Social Experts Facebook Marketing Masterclass. This Free course is a 5-day video series with a video each day, going into depth about each step needed to create a profitable Facebook marketing machine.