Tag: success

Get Your Old Clients to Turn into Current Customers Again! 

how to get old customers to become current customers again

Want to rekindle a relationship with a previous customer? Facebook can help you turn old customers into current customers again.   We’re going to keep going deeper into an earlier article, What Good is Facebook? If you missed it you can read it by clicking here  We’ve been talking about what I learned from one of my early mentors, Jay… Read more »

What Good Is Facebook?

What good is facebook?

What good is Facebook, really? I know you’ve asked yourself this question more than once. You have a business to run. And while Facebook seems like a nice tool to use to stay connected to your family and friends why should you even consider it for your business? You can’t buy anything with likes, comments,… Read more »

The Fast Way To Success

the fast way to success

I bet you clicked to get the latest Facebook Ninja Trick to really make money from Facebook. . . Sorry but that’s not what this article is about. You see, no matter how many tricks you have, the truth is, tricks don’t lead to long-lasting success. What does lead to long-lasting success? Who you hang… Read more »

You Don’t Know How Hard It Is To . . .

you don't know how hard it is to

I’ve heard some version of “You don’t know how hard it is to _____” from several people in the past week. Many of these people would be considered to have it made by people on the outside looking in. People like the successful dentist who is overwhelmed by how much time it takes to deal with his… Read more »

The Battle of Good vs. Evil

The Battle of Good vs. Evil

Am I talking about Star Wars or your business? Now, what am I talking about when I say Good VS Evil? This is the fifth segment talking about how your business transforms your customer’s life. If you missed the overview you can read it by clicking here. When you’re communicating at this level you’re talking at… Read more »