Tag: learning and development

Your Facebook Marketing Isn’t Working . . . Now What?

Your Facebook Marketing isn't Working, Now What?

Let me guess, this is what’s happening. . . You’ve heard about all the success that others are having on Facebook, and you finally gave in to the temptation and started advertising on Facebook. And money didn’t come pouring in. . . In fact, as you put more and more money into Facebook, the only… Read more »

How To Accelerate Your Facebook Marketing Results

How To Accelerate Your Facebook Marketing Results

I bet you’ve heard all about marketing your business online; that with only a computer and your local Starbucks you could generate tons of sales.  This adage commonly applies to new and existing business.  The truth is, it’s not that easy or inexpensive.  When you’re getting started you can use free tools on your laptop,… Read more »

The Secret to Making Your Marketing Pay for Itself

Let me guess, this is what’s happening. . .  You are spending money on marketing and you’re not seeing the results that you expect.  You put together good offers and create great campaigns, but you don’t know if they are making a difference.  You are getting some results but it doesn’t feel like enough for… Read more »

My New Hobby and How It Helped My Business

A few months ago I decided (for whatever reason) to take up running.  I’ve been physically active most of my adult life as I explained in an earlier article. However, I had never had any interest in running; it seemed like hard work and like my body would take too much of a pounding.  I had tried running on a treadmill but had not run outside at all since I was a kid.  This… Read more »