Category: Marketing

Be There EVERY Week

If you want to achieve long-term success marketing your business online, be there every week is key. It’s critical in your operations and your customer service as well as in your marketing. Consistency is what separates the almost good from the great. I watch NFL football, and I live in Wisconsin, which means I root for… Read more »

Are You Exercising or Training? Part 2

Go Social Experts, located in Eau Claire, WI, offers social media management strategies for Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

After I finished last week’s article about exercising, training, and marketing, other possibilities occurred to me. If you missed that article, you can read it here. There are many other areas besides our exercise routines and our marketing in which we may let our feet off the pedals and coast. What about events such as… Read more »

Are You Exercising or Training?

Go Social Experts, located in Eau Claire, WI, offers social media management strategies for Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

An email came to me last week with this title in it, and it caused me to question my exercise and marketing efforts. I work out regularly all year, but when I’m exercising to prepare for something physical, I work out a little more intently. A regular workout finds me increasing my heart rate and… Read more »

Reach Out to a New Connection

Go Social Experts, located in Eau Claire, WI, offers social media management strategies for Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

This week it’s time for a quick tip, something you can do easily that will multiply the results from your networking efforts. We all know that meeting new people is a great way to grow sales. The challenge is that a new connection can take time to nurture before sales come. If you want to… Read more »

Rotate Your Crops For Long Term Success

I’m going to continue relating social media marketing to farming this week. (If you missed last week’s article, you may read it by clicking here.) You’ve found your audience, nurtured it, and it’s produced an abundant crop. Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step to success. The challenge is that this type of success is short… Read more »