Category: Marketing

Is Organic Reach on Facebook Dead?

We know it’s true that Organic reach on Facebook is declining and some say it’s dead, but is it? As more businesses and consumers use Facebook the newsfeed is filling up with the massive amounts of posts. In years past marketers could count on getting a substantial amount of reach from any given post. It… Read more »

Talk to People Who Have Already Expressed Interest In You

expressed interest

Can you imagine being able to identify and talk to anyone who interacts with you on Facebook as a group again and again? After all, how many of us, when we are the visitor, are willing to share our information with someone we just meet, let alone buy anything from them. In the past, we… Read more »

Your Good Name Does Make A Difference!

good name

If you’ve ever wondered why some businesses can jump on Facebook and grow a large engaged audience with what seems like little effort while you feel like you must struggle for every like – consider this: How well known are you to the people you’re marketing to? If you’re a local business have you been… Read more »

Discover How I Know If You’re A Serious Facebook Marketer


It’s every marketer’s worst nightmare. They have their marketing system set up and a key component isn’t working. Which wouldn’t be as big of a deal, but they don’t find out about it until after they’ve spent most, if not all, their budget. What is this horrific scenario I’m talking about? Well when you’re running… Read more »