Category: goals

Facebook: Selling Platform or Audience Builder?

Recently, I was working a booth at a trade show and someone came up to me with a question. I was promoting using Facebook to grow your business by running paid ads and selling products and promoting events at your business. And they asked if Facebook should be used for communicating with your audience or… Read more »

3 Action Steps To Grow Your Business Online

We’ve been talking about setting up a system to make sure that you are found online. When you follow the steps I’ve laid out you’re going to have a solid online presence. You will be in better shape than most of your competitors. But what if you want to be in the top 1%? What… Read more »

Just Sell The Darn Thing

Over the past month, I’ve had this conversation several times. A new client approaches me that wants help with Facebook ads for their online program. They’ve tried Facebook and haven’t gotten the results they wanted. As we talk, I discover that they’re an avid student of online marketing and they’ve bought courses from most of… Read more »

Little Things That Matter Part IV

Over the past few posts, I’ve been talking about little things you can do that set you up for success. They are the little details that may move someone from I’ve never heard of you to a customer to a super LOYAL customer who buys from you often. To download a cheat sheet with all… Read more »