Eight Things You Need to Do So That You Are Successful Growing Your Business with Social Media

There is a lot of talk in the business world about using social media to promote and grow a business. To do so successfully takes certain skills and strategies. There are many different platforms from which to choose, including Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Each of the strategies I am about to discuss work… Read more »

Google Ad or Facebook Ad?

This is an interesting question that I receive on a regular basis from clients, prospects, and others who know what I do. My answer is simple: It depends. Both ads have a purpose and can be effective. Many businesses have had success using both. Google ads have been around longer and are legendary. Facebook ads… Read more »

What’s Your Offer?

When you’re marketing, remember the rule set by the great marketer Dan Kennedy: Every article of marketing that goes out must feature an offer. It doesn’t matter if you’re sending out a postcard, a letter, an ad in a newspaper or magazine, a Google or Facebook ad, or an e-mail. It must include an offer…. Read more »

How Quickly Can You Handle More Business?

This is my favorite question. Most people have never thought about it, but after considering this question, most see opportunities to develop their business that they had never considered before. What business you’re in will determine how much of an issue this question is for you. If you’re a retail or product-based business, it can… Read more »